Adamietz BR, Schulz-Wendtland R, Dölken M, Stuerzl M, Thurau M, Wenkel E. More Publicity for Ultrasound: an Agar Model for Introducing the Technique. Ultraschall Med. 2008 Oct 31.
Weinländer K, Naschberger E, Lehmann MH, Tripal P, Paster W, Stockinger H, Hohenadl C, Stürzl M. Guanylate binding protein-1 inhibits spreading and migration of endothelial cells through induction of integrin alpha 4 expression. FASEB J. 2008 Dec;22(12):4168-78.
Naschberger E, Croner RS, Merkel S, Dimmler A, Tripal P, Amann KU, Kremmer E, Brueckl WM, Papadopoulos T, Hohenadl C, Hohenberger W, Stürzl M. Angiostatic immune reaction in colorectal carcinoma: Impact on survival and perspectives for antiangiogenic therapy. Int J Cancer. 2008 Nov 1;123(9):2120-9.
Croner RS, Förtsch T, Brückl WM, Rödel F, Rödel C, Papadopoulos T, Brabletz T, Kirchner T, Sachs M, Behrens J, Klein-Hitpass L, Stürzl M, Hohenberger W, Lausen B. Molecular signature for lymphatic metastasis in colorectal carcinomas. Ann Surg. 2008 May;247(5):803-10.
Stürzl M, Konrad A, Sander G, Wies E, Neipel F, Naschberger E, Reipschläger S, Gonin-Laurent N, Horch RE, Kneser U, Hohenberger W, Erfle H, Thurau M. High throughput screening of gene functions in mammalian cells using reversely transfected cell arrays: review and protocol. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 2008 Feb;11(2):159-72. Review.
Sander G, Konrad A, Thurau M, Wies E, Leubert R, Kremmer E, Dinkel H, Schulz T, Neipel F, Stürzl M. Intracellular localization map of human herpesvirus 8 proteins. J Virol. 2008 Feb;82(4):1908-22.
Wies E, Mori Y, Hahn A, Kremmer E, Stürzl M, Fleckenstein B, Neipel F. The viral interferon-regulatory factor-3 is required for the survival of KSHV-infected primary effusion lymphoma cells. Blood. 2008 Jan 1;111(1):320-7.
Schellerer VS, Croner RS, Weinländer K, Hohenberger W, Stürzl M, Naschberger E. Endothelial cells of human colorectal cancer and healthy colon reveal phenotypic differences in culture. Lab Invest. 2007 Nov;87(11):1159-70.
Zhang W, Bauer M, Croner RS, Pelz JO, Lodygin D, Hermeking H, Stürzl M, Hohenberger W, Matzel KE. DNA stool test for colorectal cancer: hypermethylation of the secreted frizzled-related protein-1 gene. Dis Colon Rectum. 2007 Oct;50(10):1618-26; discussion 1626-7.
Arkudas A, Tjiawi J, Bleiziffer O, Grabinger L, Polykandriotis E, Beier JP, Stürzl M, Horch RE, Kneser U. Fibrin gel-immobilized VEGF and bFGF efficiently stimulate angiogenesis in the AV loop model. Mol Med. 2007 Sep-Oct;13(9-10):480-7.
Leffler M, Hrach T, Stuerzl M, Horch RE, Herndon DN, Jeschke MG. Insulin attenuates apoptosis and exerts anti-inflammatory effects in endotoxemic human macrophages. J Surg Res. 2007 Dec;143(2):398-406.
Arkudas A, Beier JP, Heidner K, Tjiawi J, Polykandriotis E, Srour S, Sturzl M, Horch RE, Kneser U. Axial prevascularization of porous matrices using an arteriovenous loop promotes survival and differentiation of transplanted autologous osteoblasts. Tissue Eng. 2007 Jul;13(7):1549-60.
Polykandriotis E, Arkudas A, Horch RE, Stürzl M, Kneser U. Autonomously vascularized cellular constructs in tissue engineering: opening a new perspective for biomedical science. J Cell Mol Med. 2007 Jan-Feb;11(1):6-20. Review.
Tripal P, Bauer M, Naschberger E, Mörtinger T, Hohenadl C, Cornali E, Thurau M, Stürzl M. Unique features of different members of the human guanylate-binding protein family. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2007 Jan;27(1):44-52.
Hagner S, Stahl U, Grimm T, Stürzl M, Lang RE. Expression of calcitonin receptor-like receptor in human vascular tumours. J Clin Pathol. 2006 Oct;59(10):1104-7.
Naschberger E, Lubeseder-Martellato C, Meyer N, Gessner R, Kremmer E, Gessner A, Stürzl M. Human guanylate binding protein-1 is a secreted GTPase present in increased concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bacterial meningitis. Am J Pathol. 2006 Sep;169(3):1088-99.
Pammer J, Reinisch C, Birner P, Pogoda K, Sturzl M, Tschachler E. Interferon-alpha prevents apoptosis of endothelial cells after short-term exposure but induces replicative senescence after continuous stimulation. Lab Invest. 2006 Oct;86(10):997-1007.
Kneser U, Polykandriotis E, Ohnolz J, Heidner K, Grabinger L, Euler S, Amann KU, Hess A, Brune K, Greil P, Stürzl M, Horch RE. Engineering of vascularized transplantable bone tissues: induction of axial vascularization in an osteoconductive matrix using an arteriovenous loop. Tissue Eng. 2006 Jul;12(7):1721-31.
Thurau M, Everett H, Tapernoux M, Tschopp J, Thome M. The TRAF3-binding site of human molluscipox virus FLIP molecule MC159 is critical for its capacity to inhibit Fas-induced apoptosis. Cell Death Differ. 2006 Sep;13(9):1577-85.
Naschberger E, Bauer M, Stürzl M. Human guanylate binding protein-1 (hGBP-1) characterizes and establishes a non-angiogenic endothelial cell activation phenotype in inflammatory diseases. Adv Enzyme Regul. 2005 Jul;45:215-27.
Jörg A, Grubert T, Grimm T, Guenzi E, Naschberger E, Samson E, Oostendorp R, Keller U, Stürzl M. Maternal HIV type 1 infection suppresses MMP-1 expression in endothelial cells of uninfected newborns: nonviral vertical transmission of HIV type 1-related effects. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2005 Nov;21(11):940-4.
Jörg A, Grubert T, Grimm T, Guenzi E, Naschberger E, Samson E, Oostendorp R, Keller U, Stürzl M. Maternal HIV type 1 infection suppresses MMP-1 expression in endothelial cells of uninfected newborns: nonviral vertical transmission of HIV type 1-related effects. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2005 Nov;21(11):940-4.
Jörg A, Grubert T, Grimm T, Guenzi E, Naschberger E, Samson E, Oostendorp R, Keller U, Stürzl M. Maternal HIV type 1 infection suppresses MMP-1 expression in endothelial cells of uninfected newborns: nonviral vertical transmission of HIV type 1-related effects. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2005 Nov;21(11):940-4.
Grimm T, Schneider S, Naschberger E, Huber J, Guenzi E, Kieser A, Reitmeir P, Schulz TF, Morris CA, Stürzl M. EBV latent membrane protein-1 protects B cells from apoptosis by inhibition of BAX. Blood. 2005 Apr 15;105(8):3263-9.
Croner RS, Foertsch T, Brueckl WM, Guenther K, Siebenhaar R, Stremmel C, Matzel KE, Papadopoulos T, Kirchner T, Behrens J, Klein-Hitpass L, Stuerzl M, Hohenberger W, Reingruber B. Common denominator genes that distinguish colorectal carcinoma from normal mucosa. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2005 Jul;20(4):353-62.